When I go camping I like to cook outside. Most campsites will have a designated area for your camp fire, but rarely is there a grill. There are many innovative ways to cook over a fire, but I prefer to cook at the camp in a more contained manner. My wife bought me a foldable grill and it has become one of my favorite tools.
the good
- Provides a good grilling surface that can be used anywhere
- Design allows for the fire to be spaced away from the food that is being grilled
- Sanitary — Even if a campsite has a grill brining your own means you know how it was cleaned
- Easy to clean — You can just wipe the grill down
- When folded it is very compact and can fit into smaller compartments
the bad
- Do to the size of the grill, only a limited amount of food can be cooked on it
- Longer cook times: Size of the grill limits the amount of wood that can be added meaning getting a higher max temperature is hard
- Sometimes hard to control the fire based on the amount of wood that has been added
the summary

A portable folding grill is a necessary piece of equipment for campers that love cooking outside.