When people think about hiking they often envision trails through the woods or mountains. There is another kind of hiking however—many cities have green spaces with scenic views that are great outdoor adventures. The National Mall in DC is representative of this kind of adventure. Walking from the US Capital building to the Lincoln Memorial is about 2 miles. Although it seems like it is a flat walk there are actually slight inclines and opportunities to expand the hike if you include other memorials along the path.

Between the Capital Building and the Washington Monument are the Smithsonian Museums. All of them are free to enter. There are also other walking areas towards the White House from the Washington Monument or towards the Jefferson Memorial and the Tidal Basin.
the good
- It is a hike with one of the best views in the country and it does provide a good work out
- You can walk, run, or even cycle along the paths and sidewalks
- There are stands and food trucks along the path to grab food and or drinks if you want to
- There are rest rooms along the path
- It is great to explore all year

the bad
- In the summer months it can be brutal walking along the National Mall because there is not a lot of shade
- During the summer months and certain times of year like the Cherry Blossom Festival it can get crowded.